

17 2016-10
 振動篩網過快破損的主要原因有:    篩網質量問題、篩網的張緊力度、物料投料問題等。    a、篩網的質量問題是一個引起篩網破損過快的重要因素。篩網的材質如果達不到物料的篩分要求,篩網損壞的就很快,我們在客戶在選擇旋振篩時注意事項中列舉了篩網的分類及如何選擇合適的篩網。    b、篩網張緊力度不夠,以致引起篩網顫動,通常沿篩網邊緣或包邊壓條處斷裂或損壞?!   、篩網一般有上部的篩分層和下部的受力層,要求這2層之間緊密貼合,如果篩網預張緊工藝差,當篩網底部的受力層繃緊時,篩分層沒有拉緊,那么做篩機工作時篩網上下顫動的距離過大,和篩框接觸部分不能有效壓緊,這也是引起篩網損壞過快的原因之一?!   、物料的投料問題。因為在振動篩工作過程中不斷的投料,但是如果一次投料過多,阻礙物料在篩面上正常運動,不但容易使篩網疲勞變松,而且會大大降低物料的處理量。一次性給予大量的物料,會使本身處于不平衡運轉的電機負荷突然增加,不但容易損壞篩網,而且容易造成振動電機的損壞,所以在投放物料時要均勻的投料。在有強大沖擊力的給料方式,必須給振動篩加裝緩沖料斗,物料直接沖擊篩網會消耗振動源所產生的激振力,更容易造成篩網破損及篩網疲勞。    解決方法:    a、首先在選擇振動篩時選擇質量可靠的篩網;    b、經常檢查篩網的張緊度;    c、檢查篩網是否壓實?!   、如果是篩分液體,有強大沖擊力時好加裝料斗或緩沖器?!   、如果有物料堆積,盡快查找原因如調整振動電機偏心塊等。聯系人:劉經理:13837390643     張經理:13803808395 
17 2016-10
nYBS系列振動搖擺篩子   NYBS series vibration
nYBS系列振動搖擺篩子 NYBS series vibration
nYBS系列振動搖擺篩的設計是為了滿足大產量,高密度篩分的廠家而特殊設計的一種篩分機,簡單的篩分是雙眼注視雙手篩分。搖擺篩分機就是對此的機械模擬,它是目前有效的模擬了人工篩分運動的有效原理(篩分精度、效率、篩網壽命均是常規(guī)圓篩的5-10倍),符合所有精細與細范圍的粉末與微粒狀物料,特別適合難以處理的物料。⊕特點    高達5倍的單位面積產出;到6級分離,篩分效率高達90%-95%;使用硅橡膠球、超聲波等清網裝置系統(tǒng),篩孔不會堵塞。密閉除塵,操作;加速度比振動篩低4.5倍,篩分零件壽命提高而維護減少;噪聲<75分貝。優(yōu)化重理均衡,地基動態(tài)負荷低。⊕工作原理擺動篩是一種仿人工搖動的低頻旋振篩,其原理是:瞬時運動為沿徑向的位移和以此位移為軸的圓周運動的合成(螺旋運動)。即可調節(jié)偏心距的激振器產生了非線性三維運動,物料也產生同樣的近似手動作業(yè)的運動,從而達到篩分之目的,再配合篩分附件可得到更加理想的篩分效果;適合于圓球狀、圓柱狀、片狀、乃至不規(guī)則形狀易堵網且需要精密篩分的物料。⊕結構原理★基本的回轉運動與人工篩分相類似。偏心率從25到40mm可調,低速V型皮帶驅動從120到360rpm可調★每一種產品的停留時間可以通過搖擺篩的徑向與切角朝驅動軸線方向進行調整★因此建立水平與拋擲三維翻滾運動。物料從中心到外緣在整個篩面上均勻分散,從而以螺旋運動往軸向傳播。細小顆粒從而完成了整個篩分過程。★水平與垂直加速度隨著粒子的運動而增加,接近篩孔尺寸的顆粒隨之成功分離;較大顆粒被運到出口處,出口處由一個可調節(jié)的導向裝置控制流量,該導向裝置是控制物料停留時間的另一個因素。★此次過程在每篩層之間重復進行。⊕適用行業(yè)    化學、食品與香料、塑料、礦業(yè)、醫(yī)藥、木業(yè)及膠合板、冶金、橡膠、飼料、化肥、糖鹽業(yè)、再生行業(yè)nYBS系列振動搖擺篩技術參數 項目型號、規(guī)格篩面層數(配置)有效篩分面積(m2)偏心距(mm)基本轉速(r/min)回轉幅度(mm)電機功率(kw)基本重量(kg)nYBS-1000 1-5n×0.78 25-40(可調)  180-210(280)設定  50-751.5420nYBS-1200n×1.12.2480nYBS-1500n×1.763.7560nYBS-2000n×2.625.5650nYBS-2500n×3.637.5830 nYBS系列搖擺篩結構圖    1、觀察口          2、出料口         3、地框           4、從動軸          5、橡膠彈簧腳         6、注油管         7、主軸            8、金字塔底座     9、主軸配重鐵    10、V型皮帶         11、驅動電機          12、從動軸配重鐵 13、防護板         14、注油管         15、中框鎖具     16、中框            17、防塵蓋            18、注料口nYBS系列搖擺篩軌跡圖 說明:1. 表中所列系定型產品常態(tài)數據,僅供選型參考,具體參數以隨機技術資料為準。2. 用戶選型前請與專業(yè)技術人員充分溝通,以便規(guī)劃合理,決策科學。NYBS series vibration and swing sieve is designed to meet the high yield, high density screening manufacturers and a special design of efficient sieving, the simplest sieving is stare at the hands of screening. Swinging sieving machine is the mechanical simulation, it is currently the most effective simulation of the motion principle of artificial screening (screening accuracy, efficiency, screen life is 5-10 times than conventional round sieve), with powder and granule material all the fine and ultra-fine, especially suitable for materials which are difficult to deal with.CharacteristicsOutput per unit area up to 5 times; accurate to 6 stage separation, high screening efficiency up to 90%-95%; the use of silicon rubber ball, ultrasonic and other high effect clear network system, the mesh is not blocked. Airtight dust, safe operation; acceleration is 4.5 times lower than the vibration sieve, sieve parts to improve and maintain life to reduce noise by<75 dB. Re optimization is balanced, low dynamic load of foundation.PrincipleThe vibrating screen is low frequency vibration of a artificial shaking sieve, the principle is: for synthesis of instantaneous motion along the radial displacement and the displacement of the circular motion of the shaft (spiral). You can adjust the vibrator eccentricity produces three-dimensional motion of nonlinear, material also produces approximately manual work the same movement, so as to achieve the purpose of screening, coupled with the sieving attachment can be screening effect is more ideal; suitable for spherical, cylindrical, lamellar, and irregular shape of clogging of the screen and require precise screening material.Structure principleRotary motion. The basic and artificial zeolite phase similar. Eccentricity is adjustable from 25 to 40mm, low speed V belt drive is adjustable from 120 to 360rpmResidence time. Each product can be radial and cut through the swinging screen angle toward the axial direction of the driving adjustment★ therefore the establishment level and throwing three-dimensional tumbling motion. The material from the center to the outer edge of the screen surface evenly, so as to the spiral motion to the axial propagation. The fine particles to complete the screening process.★ horizontal and vertical acceleration increases with the particle motion, close to the aperture size of particles with the successful separation; larger particles were transported to the outlet, the outlet by an adjustable guiding device control flow, the guide device is to control the residence time of another factor.★ this process is repeated on each sieve layer.Applicable industryChemical, food and spices, plastics, pharmaceutical, mining, timber and plywood, metallurgy, rubber, feed, fertilizer, sugar, salt, recycling industryNYBS series vibration and swing sieve parametersNYBS series of swing sieve structure diagram1, 2, observation port discharge port 3, box 4, a driven shaft, 5 feet 6, oil pipe rubber spring7, 8, 9, Pyramid base spindle spindle counterweight iron 10, 11, V type belt drive motor 12, a driven shaft counterweight iron13, the protection plate 14, oil pipe 15, box lock 16, box 17, a dustproof cover 18, a feeding openingNYBS series of swing sieve locusExplain.Series 1 in the table of stereotypes products normal data, only for reference, specific parameters subject to random technical information.Please full communication and professional and technical personnel 2 user selection before, so that reasonable planning, decision sciences. 
17 2016-10
SZF系列直線振動篩由振動電機、篩箱、篩網、傳振體、減振裝置組成。工作原理:當縱向安裝在篩體上的兩臺振動電機相對轉動時,振動電機兩端的偏心塊便產生額定激振力,其產生在橫向的激振力相互抵消,其縱向產生的激振力通過傳感體傳遞到整個篩面上,從而使篩面上的物料受其激振力向出料口方向跳躍式直線運動 ,小于篩孔的物料落到下層 ,經出了口流出 ,經直線振動篩分級后,由合理匹配篩網來達到篩分過程的合理化,取得幾  種不同粒度的物料,完成整個物料的篩分作業(yè)。適用于粒度在0.074-5mm、含水量小于70%、無粘性的各種干式粉狀物料的篩分,大給料粒度不大于10mm。   主要特點及適于行業(yè):      該產品篩分精度高、處理量大、結構簡單、耗能少、噪音低、篩網使用壽命長、密封性好、極少粉塵溢散、維修方便、可用于流水線生產中的自動化作業(yè)。該產品廣泛應用于化工、食品、塑料、醫(yī)藥、冶金、玻璃、建材、糧食、化肥、磨料、陶瓷等行業(yè)中干式粉狀或顆粒狀物料的篩分。注:該直線振動篩,可為一層或多層使用。制作材料多為 不銹鋼和 碳鋼。也可以根據客戶要求、物料的特性,來定做更合適篩機。 聯系人:劉經理:13837390643     張經理:13803808395
17 2016-10
         甘肅張經理在我公司訂制的木粉振動篩己經生產完成,等待發(fā)貨                      SZF系列直線振動篩利用電動激振器作為振動源,使物料在篩網上被拋起,同時向前作直線運動,以合理匹配的篩網達到篩分目的,物料從給予料機均勻地進入篩分機的進料口,通過多層篩網產生數種產品和不合格的篩上物.篩下物分別從各自的出口排出、可用于流水線中實現自動化作業(yè)。具有能耗低,效率高、結構簡單、易維修、全封閉結構無粉塵溢散的特點.使用范圍:   廣泛應用于木粉,竹粉,塑料、磨料、化工、醫(yī)藥、建材、糧食、炭素、化肥等行業(yè)對顆粒物料,粉狀物料的篩選和分級。 主要技術參數和外形尺寸(本表外形尺寸按六層篩制定): 型  號SZF-520SZF-525SZF-530SZF1020SZF1025SZF1030公稱尺寸(mm)500×2000500×2500500×30001000×20001000×25001000×3000物料粒度(mm)0.074-100.074-100.074-100.074-100.074-100.074-10振次 次/分960960960960960960篩面傾角1°—7°1°—7°1°—7°1°—7°1°—7°1°—7°振  幅3--4.53--4.53--4.53--4.53--4.53--4.5層  數1--61--61--61--61--61--6功率(KW)2×(0.4-0.75)2×(0.4-0.75)2×(0.4-0.75)2×(0.4-1.1)2×(0.4-1.1)2×(0.4-1.5)外形尺寸A274032403740274032403740B870870870137013701370C140014001400144014401440 聯系人:劉經理:13837390643     張經理:13803808395
17 2016-10
about "rotary vibration sieve" 關于旋振篩
· 關于“旋振篩”    旋振篩是一種高精度細粉篩分機械,工作原理是由直立式電機作激振源,電機上、下兩端安裝有偏心重錘,將電機的旋轉運動轉變?yōu)樗健⒋怪?、傾斜的三次元運動,再把這個運動傳遞給篩面。調節(jié)上、下兩端的相位角,可以改變物料在篩面上的運動軌跡,由于其振動運轉原理很多企業(yè)也稱之為“三次元振動篩分過濾機”,根據外形結構被部分客戶稱呼為圓形篩,從材質上分標準型旋振篩和普通型旋振篩的,標準型的與物料接觸部分為304不銹鋼材質,底座為碳鋼材質,普通型的通體為普碳鋼材質。關于“豫振篩機旋振篩”    "豫振篩機"S49系列旋振篩產品,經23年發(fā)展歷程,由客戶多年使用,獲得大量的一線反饋建議,在自有成熟的篩機制造技術基礎上,豫振篩機工程師以滿足客戶需求為標準,多次技術改進,篩分效果更加優(yōu)越,采用"強力"新型動力激振器,三維動力更加突出,適用范圍更加廣泛,新鄉(xiāng)市振動篩機廠有限公司可根據客戶需求設計特殊型號,無論物料是干是濕,是精細是粗糙,是比重大是比重輕,0-400目都可以篩選,不管是液態(tài)的,還是漿狀的0-600目都可以過濾."豫振篩機"旋振篩系列產品同時配備專門的篩網清理裝置,把堵網率降到低,過網率和處理精度得以有效提高."豫振篩機"具備特殊型號制造的能力讓顧客對"豫振篩機"有更多的選擇."豫振篩機"旋振篩的特點:☆效率高、設計精巧耐用,任何粉類、粘液均可篩分?!顡Q網容易、操作簡單、清洗方便?!罹W孔不堵塞、粉末不飛揚、可篩至400目或0.028mm?!铍s質、粗料自動排出,可以連續(xù)作業(yè)。旋振篩適用的行業(yè)化工行業(yè):樹脂、涂料、工業(yè)藥品、化妝品、油漆、中藥粉等。食品行業(yè):糖粉、淀粉、食鹽、米粉、奶粉、豆?jié){、蛋粉、醬油、果汁等。金屬、冶金礦業(yè):鋁粉、鉛粉、銅粉、礦石、合金粉、焊條粉末、二氧化錳、電解銅粉、電磁性材料、研磨粉、耐火材料、高嶺土、石灰、氧化鋁、重質碳酸鈣、石英砂等。公害處理:廢油、廢水、染整廢水、助劑、活性碳等 旋振篩結構原理示意圖   旋振篩外形尺寸表   旋振篩產品特點 1、效率高、設計精巧耐用,任何精類、粘液均可篩分。 2、換網容易、操作簡單、清洗方便。 3、網孔不堵塞、粉末不飛揚、可篩至500目或0.028mm。 4、雜質粗料自動排出,可以連接作業(yè)。 5、獨特網架設計,篩網使用時間長久,換網快,只需3-5分鐘。 6、體積小,節(jié)省空間、移動方便。 7、篩網高可以達到五層。 ? about "rotary vibration sieve" Rotary vibration sieve is a kind of high precision powder screening machine, the working principle is by the motor for vertical excitation source, motor, both ends is provided with an eccentric weight, rotary motion of the motor into a horizontal, vertical, inclined three sport, then this movement is transferred to the screen surface. Phase adjustment, the lower ends of the angle, can change the material in the sieve surface of the trajectory, and the vibration and operation principle of a lot of enterprises is also known as the "three dimension vibration screening filter", according to the shape of structure is part of the customer called circular screen, from the material on the standard type rotary vibration sieve and ordinary type rotary vibration sieve the contact part of the standard type, and the material is 304 stainless steel material, the base for the carbon steel, ordinary type species for carbon steel material. On "Henan vibration sieve machine rotary vibration sieve" "Yu vibration sieve machine" S49 series of rotary vibration sieve products, after 23 years of the development process, used by customers for many years, to obtain a large number of first-line feedback, in its own mature sieve machine manufacturing technology, Henan vibration sieve machine engineer to meet customer demand as the standard, many technological improvements, the screening effect more excellent, the "strong" new power exciter, three-dimensional dynamic is more prominent, wide applicable range, can be designed according to customer demand for special type machine factory Co. Ltd. of Xinxiang City vibration, whether material is dry is wet, fine is rough, is heavy is the proportion of light, 0-400 mesh can be screened, whether liquid still, 0-600 slurry can be filtered. "Yu vibration sieve machine" rotary vibration sieve series products and equipped with a special screen cleaning device, the plugging rate reduced to a minimum, the net rate and the processing precision can be effectively improved. "Yu vibration sieve machine" has a special type of manufacturing capabilities allow customers more choice of "Henan vibration sieve machine". "Yu vibration sieve machine" rotary vibration sieve: ☆ high efficiency, exquisite and durable design, any powders, mucilage are screening. ☆ changer easy, simple operation, convenient cleaning. When the mesh is not blocked, the powder can not fly, can be screened to 400 mesh or 0.028mm. ☆ impurity, coarse material discharge automatically, can continuously work. Rotary vibration sieve applicable industry Chemical industry: resin, paint, industrial chemicals, cosmetics, paints, powder etc.. Food industry: sugar, starch, salt, Rice noodles, milk, egg, soy sauce, juice, Soybean Milk etc.. Metal, aluminum powder, lead powder, metallurgical mining: copper, ore, alloy powder, welding rod powder, manganese dioxide, electrolytic copper powder, magnetic material, powder, refractories, alumina, kaolin, lime, calcium carbonate, quartz sand. Pollution treatment: waste oil, waste water, dyeing wastewater, additives, activated carbon Rotary vibration sieve structure schematic diagram Rotary vibration sieve size table Rotary vibration sieve product features 1, high efficiency, exquisite and durable design, any fey, mucilage are screening. 2, changing the net easy, simple operation, convenient cleaning. 3, the mesh is not blocked, the powder can not fly, can be screened to 500 mesh or 0.028mm. 4, the impurity and coarse material discharge automatically, can connect operation. 5, the unique grid design, the use of screen time long, fast network for, only 3-5 minutes. 6, small volume, space saving, easy to move. 7, the screen can reach five of the maximum layer.
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